Rajeev asked 5 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
Huma answered 5 years ago

At present SnapChat is one of those early-stage platforms and it’s already very popular. It has now over 150 million daily active users, which is more than Twitter. Still some marketers are afraid to experiment with new platforms because they don’t know how to use it for marketing. Through SnapChat, you can deliver valuable content to your audience to let them see a different side of your business.
Before starting with SnapChat you must have to keep in mind is that a typical marketing funnel has three main stages: 

  1. Awareness. Prospects learn about your business and what you have to offer.
  2. Interest. Prospects from the first phase take the first step toward becoming a customer by signing up for a webinar or company emails.
  3. Evaluation. If prospects have interest in your product they will take final jump to buy from you.

SnapChat is strongest during the second stage, when you’re engaging your prospects and trying to create interest. Here are three ways marketers can use SnapChat to grow their businesses:
1. Offer promo codes.
Brands have had success using promo codes on SnapChat because it has high engagement rate. 
2. Launch products.
You can also use SnapChat to launch new products. One of the unique benefits of SnapChat is that it gives you permission to create low-budget, informal videos. Letting them see you “behind the scenes,” where you might be unpolished, will help build a deeper relationship over the long term.
3. Leverage influencer marketing.
By leveraging influencers, you can capture a much larger audience because your content will be viewed by both your followers and the followers of that influencer. It’s one of the quickest ways to build a massive audience of your own. Big brands like Audi is  already doing this on SnapChat by partnering up with the T.V. show.
Another way to use influencer marketing is by asking an influencer to do a takeover of your account. This basically means that they run your SnapChat account for a certain period of time, and post snaps on behalf of you.
This is all about SnapChat marketing, I hope you learnt from my answer. If you want to know more visit or subscribe our website.