Rishi asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
Nick answered 4 years ago

SEO is one of the most crucial aspects of digital marketing world. Even your overall website’s performance is based on SEO. Without having effective SEO, you may not be able to rank your website on Google’s SERP, get higher traffic, online visibility, click-through-rate and generate high ROI. All is only possible if your website’s SEO is performing well. But how will you know the performance of website SEO? Through technical SEO audit. Yes friends, to check how your website is performing, you have to do its audit.
So, let’s understand…
What technical SEO audit is?
In very simple words, technical SEO is a process of checking your overall website SEO performance. Through SEO audit, you can check how healthy your website is, what’s lacking there, things which needs to be fixed, and other things which require your attention. Moreover, search engine bots crawls your website and find out pages. Once crawling is done, the bot proceeds further to check your website pages for different ranking factors even before ranking your website in search engine results.
Now that you have read what technical SEO is, you would be having how to do technical audit, right? So, below I’m going to enlist some steps through which you can conduct technical audit for your website.
Steps you need to follow to conduct technical SEO audit

  1. – Crawl your website
  2. – Evaluate sitemap
  3. – Review the browseable version of your website
  4. – Check internal links of the website
  5. – Also check the speed of your website as it matters a lot in present times
  6. – And don’t forget to do backlink audit of your site as it too is a part of technical SEO audit.

Friends, these are the 7 steps which you need to follow to conduct technical SEO audit for your website. So, make sure to follow all the steps to properly conduct SEO audit.
To Conclude
Conducting technical SEO audit is important for your website if you want to check and know the performance of your website. After conducting audit, you get to know what is lacking in your website and what improvements you need to make. So, I hope this answer helped you understand the concept of technical SEO audit and additionally the steps which you need to follow to conduct SEO audit.