Anirudh asked 5 years ago
1 Answers
Sapna answered 5 years ago

Immediate results are the major driver of paid ad campaign. Strategically crafted ad campaigns provide traffic, leads, and customers almost instantly once the ads start running. Every successful AdWords campaign starts with research. Before launching an AdWords campaign, you need to know what your customers want, what they’re looking for, and the way they’re searching for it. This is the most important step you have to do. If you will not do so then your campaign will be a bust. Read the below steps to start your paid ad campaigns:

  • You can start with finding brainstorming keywords, you can draw on whatever customer data you currently have, including detailed buyer personas. Your initial seed list of keywords will be made up of everything you think your customers would use to find your product. These are the keywords you would want your ad to appear under when your audience enters them as a search query. You can use keyword tools to check the demand. Google AdWords Keyword Planner provides options for validating the keywords you’ve found by showing you search volume data and trends, cost per click, and competitive data. It will also provide keyword suggestions so you can expand on the most effective keywords from your seed list. If you target the wrong keywords, you could wind up spending a lot of money with little to no conversions.
  • Once you have data on the keywords you want to target, you want to organize those keywords into more targeted groups of keywords that are related to one another. If you have more relevant ad groups, then it is  easier to measure the performance of your keywords. Include negative keywords in your first PPC campaign. Some keywords may have far different user intent and can invite clicks that are an immediate bounce that won’t turn into a conversion. It could also lead to ad impressions that result in no clicks. 
  • To start paid ad campaign this is also important to know your budget and work backwards. When researching your keywords, you’ll be able to use the data to answer a few important questions:
  1. Are these keywords getting searched for by my audience?
  2. What’s the intent behind the search? Will these people click the ad and buy what I’m selling?
  3. Can I afford to advertise for this keyword?

While average cost per click varies by industry, other elements can increase CPC, so know what you can afford.

  • After finalized keywords, it’s time to craft some killer ads. You can throw any old text into your ad, but the more closely it targets your audience, the more likely they’ll be to click and convert. Your audience research and keyword research will help you understand the psychology of your ideal customer so you can craft ad copy that will more effectively convert them. You’ve limited space for your ad copy, so make sure it’s compelling. Try to inject your USP into your ad because this will encourage more clicks from qualified users.
  • Now you need to create a powerful and relevant call to action in your ad copy. In my view two words are more actionable “Get” and “now.” Other words are also powerful when tied into a CTA and can compel the user to click, including the words “Free”, “Best”, “Your” etc. When crafting a call to action, you want to focus on action. Tell the user what to do. It will dramatically improve your conversion.
  • Finally you need to create a compelling and welcoming landing page. The generated traffic through your PPC ad must go somewhere. You should send traffic to the page most relevant to your ad and the intent, interest, and needs of the user. Keep the landing page relevant to the keywords you’re bidding on to raise your quality score.